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Art Center & Gallery Hours:
Tues. - Fri.: 12:00pm - 7:00pm
Sat.: 12:00pm - 9:00pm
Closed Sunday & Monday

2355 S. Yellowstone Hwy.
St. Anthony, Idaho 83445

Phone: (208) 932-0893
Remember as: 208-93-208-93


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Executive Director, Co-founder
Kara Hidalgo

Dir. of Education , Co-founder
Daniel Hidalgo

Board Members
Bob Bauer
Vern Russell
Jocelyn Haeberle
Richard Law
Alynn Crapo


In This February 2017 NEWSLETTER:

Current Happenings! | Upcoming Events! | The Arts in East Idaho

Current Happenings!

Big Art Expo: February 18, 2 - 6pm Idaho Art Lab, your local not-for-profit makerspace, is set for this season’s Big Art Expo, a free, family friendly celebration of creativity happening the 3rd Saturday of February, June and October. Learn more on the Expo webpage at

The Big Art Expo is on Saturday, February 18 from 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., offering the public a chance to meet many local artists, artisans and makers who will be doing demonstrations and answering questions about their process. Each of these demonstrating makers are passionate about helping you commit yourself to the development of your own talents.

Have you heard about the Idaho Art Lab? This huge volunteer run maker space is open Monday – Friday from 12:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. There are 14 “Labs” with equipment you can get certified to use for $3.00- $5.00 an hour. Take an opportunity to sign up for workshops to learn something new. This show & tell event will also include some free make & take projects, such as Marilyn Hoff-Hansen helping you design on spackle. The Lab is all about learning, creating and inspiring others. Drop in anytime to take a tour of our makerspace, gallery and artist residency program.

Big Art Expo demos

This is a family friendly event so bring the whole family to learn and get inspired. The Lab is located just off Hwy. 20’s south St. Anthony exit #344 at 2355 S. Yellowstone Hwy. between Simplot Growers and Hathaway Homes. The Expo webpage is at or call (208) 932-0893 for more information. Here’s the pending line-up:

Big Art Expo demonstrating makers
Block Printing: Jocelyn Haeberle
Ceramics, mold casting: Becky Jenkins & Connie Bird
Ceramics, 3D hand built: Brent Gneiting
Ceramics, painting: Anita Appenay & Sue Drake
Colored Pencil: Elise Church
Design in Spackle: A make & take with Marilyn Hoff-Hansen
Faceting of gemstones: Bill Wilson
Illustration / Watercolor: Ashley Seare
Jewelry, wire wrapping: Marcia Standifer
Lapidary gemstone polishing: Marcia Standifer & Marcia Cox
Lost Wax carving: DeAnn Fausett
Painting: Desiree Chesebro-Moeller, Vern Russell, Jacob Secrest, Becky Seeley
Painting, color theory: Blanca Guerrero
Photography Darkroom: Shelby King, Emily Gottfredson (BYU-I photography students)
Pottery: Dee Rudolph, Kellen Giblette (Rich Briggs’ BYU-I pottery students)
Screen Printing / Silk Screen: Shawn Randall’s BYU-I art students
Scroll Saw Woodworking: Rick Smith, Trevor Barney
Sculpture: Daniel Borup, Havan Christensen, Malynda Cooper, Andrea Gardner
Woodturning: Cleave Reddick
Spinning: Sylvia Wiklund of the Weaving, Spinning & Fiber Arts Guild of Idaho Falls

Artists sponsored by:
Mountain American Credit Union of Rexburg, IdahoNancy Richman, donor from Teton, IdahoJocelyn Haeberle, donor from St. Anthony, Idaho
CHC Foundation (Idaho)Fin Fun is sponsoring Desiree Moeller

The HodgepodgeNow through March 1 is The Hodgepodge art show in our Yellowstone Teton Gallery of Art.

Participating are:
Kristine Day (Idaho Falls): assemblages & jewelry
Nathan Matthews (St. Anthony): painting
Vern Russell (St. Anthony): paintings
Jacob Secrest (Idaho Falls): painting
Cal Wylie (Rexburg): carved walking sticks

Artists interested in exhibiting & selling in the Yellowstone Teton Gallery of Art can check the Call to Artists page at

Dung and Dunger Paper Art Studio: Daniel Hidalgo's exhibit of monoprints on handmade bison dung paper is on display now through March 1 in our Yellowston Teton Gallery.

<-- click image for more information.

Daniel's new series is a mono-type print on the Speedball gelatin plate released last fall. Each print is an original on the handmade bison dung paper.  The new series is inspired by prehistoric petroglyphs from Idaho and Wyoming keeping with the rustic feel and educational flare that Dung and Dunger has been known for. Daniel was able to take the time to research and experiment with new printing techniques with help from a professional development grant from the Idaho Commission on the Arts.

Daniel has been creating art as Dung and Dunger Paper Arts Studio for 10 years and was looking for a new direction to take his art. Traditionally, Daniel has worked with block printing on hand made bison dung paper.  The bison dung, gathered from free range bison that roam outside the Yellowstone Park boundaries, is boiled for sterilization, the acid is neutralized and then paper is created by using the traditional deckle and mold method of paper making.   The nature of  handmade paper makes it difficult to print on, his hand carved block prints seemed to be the only method to create a quality print on this fibrous paper.  This ICA grant allowed Daniel the means to research and test other methods and styles, besides block printing.

"I am really excited to have this opportunity to share this body of work with everyone.
I have traveled all around Idaho and always been intrigued by the beautiful mystery of the prehistoric petroglyphs. -Daniel Hidalgo"

Art Supply Store 40% off

Did you know we have a large art supply store at the Idaho Art Lab? Paints, frames (new & used), canvases (new & used), supplies for pottery, print making, gel medium, plein air painting, large sheet fine artist papers for pastel, watercolor, calligraphy, etc. and a whole lot more. We try to price our store at internet prices! Feel free to call us at (208) 932-0893 to do a price check on an item for you.

Becky Jenkins has been keeping the Paint Your Own Pottery studio filled with fun pieces for you to glaze or paint. We have ready-to-glaze pieces for every holiday, including Valentine's Day hearts, heart boxes and leprechauns & clovers for Saint Patrick's Day.

Ceramics are priced very low! Prices are all inclusive ... no hourly studio fee like other ceramic shops and prices start at $1.00. Most pieces are $5.00 - $10.00 total.
How do we do this?
We are volunteers. Volunteers pour the ceramics, prep them for firing, train you how to glaze and how to clean up your station for the next customer.

Drop in ceramic studio

Still Life drawing sessionMonthly Happenings

  • First Friday of each month: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Still Life & Artists Monthly Gathering: free, bring your own art supplies, we provide the still life.

    Need portfolio pictures taken of your artwork?
    Drop them by at this time to have them photographed for $5.00/each (1 - 2 week turn-around, depending on the number of art pieces)

  • Second Thursday of each month: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Gab at the Lab, free, bring your current project or help with one of ours.
    This is for EVERYONE 14 & up. Parents must be with underage children.
Upcoming Events!

Daniel Borup's artist residency sculpture demonstration
Click on image for more information!

Art Classes in St. Anthony, IdahoWe have openings in our after-school art classes. Classes are year-round, once a week. Students will learn paintings, drawing, sculpture, paper mache ... pretty much every art medium taught at the Idaho Art Lab. This is for the young artist who is serious about learning art. Classes are fun but challenging.

  • Tuesdays: 4-5 pm Teen Art Class (high school) weekly, $35/month plus materials
  • Wednesdays: 4-5pm Youth Art Class (junior high) weekly $35/month, materials included
  • Thursdays: 4-5 pm Elementary Art Class weekly $35/month, materials included

Art Workshops in St. Anthony, IdahoWe offer many workshops on demand. We do not put out a schedule, we will set up a workshop to work with your needs. Please call us at (208) 932-0893 to schedule. Please schedule 2 weeks ahead so that we can advertise for other students. We never cancel a workshop due to few particpants so may get a change for a one-on-one instruction experience. View our Workshops page at

Here is a sampling of workshops on the schedule at this time. Bad timing? Schedule at your convenience!

  • Get certified to use a lab!2/18, Sat, 2 - 6pm: Big Art Expo, free, 30 artists demonstrating in 18 art mediums (show & tell with a few make & takes)
  • 2/22, Wed, 3 - 4pm: How to Load / Unload a Kiln (for ceramic artists wishing to rent kiln time), free / Class Size Limit: 4 / Age: 16+
  • 2/22, Wed., 5 - 7pm: Lapidary Lab certification* (stone polishing), Cost: $25.00 / materials included / Class Size Limit: 2 /Age: 14+
  • 2/24, Fri, 3 - 5pm: How to Pour Ceramic Molds, Cost: free / Class Size Limit: 4 / Age: 16+
  • 2/24, Fri., 5 - 7pm: Pottery Lab certification*, Cost: $70.00 each or $100/couple + clay / firing costs / includes 1.5 hours instruction + 1.5 hours add'l wheel time / includes 2 lbs. clay with glaze & firing / Class Size Limit: 2 / Age: 7+
  • 3/1, Wed, 5 - 6:30pm: Paper Arts Lab certification* (paper cutting & embossing), Cost $25.00 / materials included / Class Size Limit: 4 / Age: 8+
  • 3/3, Fri, 3 - 4pm: How to Prep Ceramic Mold Casts for Firing, Cost: free / Class Size Limit: 4 / Age: 16+
  • 3/3, Fri., 5 - 7pm: Scroll Saw Woodworking Lab certification*, Cost: $25.00 / materials included / Class Size Limit: 3 / Age: 14+
  • 3/10, Fri, 5 - 7pm: Computer Arts Lab / Basic photo editing, Cost: $35.00 / Class Size Limit: 2 / Age 13+
  • 3/15, Wed, 5 - 7pm: Screen Printing Lab certification*, Beginners, Cost: $35.00 / Class Size Limit: 4 / Age: 14+
  • 3/17, Fri, 5 - 7pm: Photography Darkroom Lab certification*, Cost $35.00 / Materials included / Class Size Limit: 4 / Age: 13+
  • Gathering the names of students interested in a March / April workshop in:
    Lost Wax Casting Lab certification* : Cost: $150.00 + cost of metal for 1 ring (about $25) / 3 sessions, 2 hrs. each / Wax & studio fee included / Class Size Limit: 6 / Age: 12+
    Cartoon Animation Lab certification*: Cost: $100.00 / 4 hrs., hand drawing / materials included / Class Size Limit: 8 / Age: 8+
    Painting Landscapes in Oil: Cost: $150.00 + non-toxic materials / 3 days, 2 hrs. each / Class Size Limit: 10 / Age: 13+

* Certification workshops teach you how to use the lab's equipment so you can begin to rent that Lab for $5.00/hour ($3.00 with a punch card)

Daniel and Kara will be leading a multi-day artist retreat lodging & learning course in Yellowstone National Park this summer. Dates will be finalized soon based on participant's feedback. To learn more or sign up, contact Daniel or Kara Hidalgo at the Idaho Art Lab at (208) 932-0893.

Artist Retreat in Yellowstone National Park, Summer 2017

The Arts in East Idaho

east Idaho art eventsThe Idaho Art Lab has East Idaho art organization's calendars, newsletter and event flier posted on our Regional Arts News bulletin board just inside our front door. You can also grab a brochure for all the art organizations from Island Park to Pocatello as well as the Teton Valley. We also try to share information about the region's art events on our Facebook page at (opens in a new window) and on our Regional Arts Calendar so you can stay up to date on what is happening around the region in the Arts. Lastly, our website's home page has links to all the region's art organizations in the far right column.

Below are links to east Idaho's visual art organizations!

Rexburg Arts Council  Art Grows Rexburg - Summerfest art competition  Eagle Rock Art Guild  Idaho Falls Arts Council

Art Museum of Eastern IdahoMuseum of Idaho  Snake River Plein Air Painters  Bonneville Art Association  Teton Arts Council

Blackfoot Art Center  Pocatello Art Center  Pocatello Arts Council  Colored Pencil Society of America-DC 217  Idaho Watercolor Society

Take a tour!From all of the volunteers here at the Idaho Art Lab (About Us), thank you for your continued support.

Drop by anytime we are open (M - F, 12pm - 7pm) for a tour to see all that we have to offer.

See you at the Lab!