FOREVER HOME for the Idaho Art Lab Capital Campaign
Donate by clicking on the green DONATE button for your donation to be placed into our restricted Capital Campaign Fund.
Your MATCH challenge to other donors to match their donation up to a certain amount will inspire our community to give more. |
Wish to make a PLEDGE of a large monetary donation if we meet our goals? Pledges of $500 or more can be made, only to be gifted to the Lab should we reach our next tier goal. |
You may also mail a check to:
IDAHO ART LAB, 2355 S. Yellowstone Hwy., Saint Anthony, Idaho 83445
Your donation is tax deductible. Talk to your tax preparer to see if you can reduce your taxable income by the amount you give.
- Do you have plans for expansion once you buy the building? Yes, we plan to expand into a campus concept like the non-profits Anderson Ranch, the John C. Campbell Folk School or the YMCA of the Rockies. These are lodging and learning facilities with rent by-the-hour art equipment, like us. Maybe we could start off managing an RV Park here for our customers then fund little cabins, one at a time. The RV storage bays would become shelters for the industrial arts like welding, forging, wood fired kilns, metal foundry work, etc. with our Sculpture Garden between the buildings. Here's a quick concept drawing.

- What will it take to recreate what we have today? We've been researching that. Here's what we've found:
At least
$1,000,000 (that's $1 million folks) is our estimate for what it will cost to build a building large enough to continue offering all that we offer today.
Our research has shown that builders are 4 - 6 months out before they can even begin building and material costs are going up, up, up. Steel is projected to increase 15% each month! It's cheaper to keep 'er. It truly is about the worst time ever for us to consider a build. There are no available buildings on the market in our area, that we know of. If we receive a donation of land, this cost will go down but it is really in our best interests to buy our current building and property for $350,000.
- What are the benefits of owning a building?
- You will have a forever home to come home to ... for your children, and your childrens' children.
- Programming could be planned out months (and years) ahead. No more month-to-month lease!
- Profit would be funneled back into bigger and better programming. Is that even possible? YES! We have SO many ideas.
- Expansion! We have plans for many more week-long programs with more famous artists, plus we have the equipment for a Welding Lab and ceramic Wood Kiln Firing (they require outbuildings), expansion of our sculpture garden and more.
- Lodging and learning offering, starting with an RV Park, moving slowly into an offering of a cabin or two or three.
- Possibilities! They are endless.
- Tell me more about Charitable Giving in 2021. What are the tax benefits?
There are two tax changes that can boost donors' tax deductions for charitable giving, so you can give more to the Idaho Art Lab at a lower net cost.
- The first change is an above-the-line tax deduction for gifts of cash of up to $300 for individuals and up to $600 for joint filers.
- The second change eliminates the percent of Adjusted Gross Income limits for charitable deductions. For individuals, the 50% of AGI limitation has been suspended for 2021. For corporations, the 10% limitation would be increased to 25% of taxable income in 2021.
- Learn more HERE
- I wonder ... Do you have a question for us to add to our FAQs? Email us at If you are wondering, others might be too.